6 Things All COVID Couples Should Have on their Wedding Registry

We’ve already settled the debate on whether or not you should send your registry to your virtual wedding guests (you should), but what do you put on that registry? Things look different now than they used to, and we’re all wondering if things will ever go back to normal. That said, while we’re still living in this “new normal,” let’s look at a few new things to add to that registry.

Streaming Subscriptions

Wedding live streaming isn’t the only type of streaming out there! Remember the good ol’ days when Netflix was the only streaming service? Now you have Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+, Peacock, YouTube TV, HBO Max, and about a million others. How is one to keep up with all the latest shows?  

Simple: ask for gift cards or credits to your favorite streaming platforms on your wedding registry!


Any books you’ve been wishing you had access to during quarantine? Add them to that registry! Consider practical books that can help you learn a new skill or hobby such as gardening or woodworking.

Meal Subscriptions

Another great registry idea is a monthly meal subscription service, like HelloFresh, Home Chef or Blue Apron. These allow you and your new spouse to cook up delicious restaurant-style meals in less than an hour. Plus, the perfectly portioned sizes ensure you don’t wind up with a bunch of leftovers. We recommend compiling all of your recipe cards into a binder for later reference!

Plane Tickets

Many people have had to cancel family plans due to the pandemic. So, get started now in building up some travel money so you can go see your loved ones when it’s safer to do so (which is hopefully sooner rather than later!).

2-Player Board Games

Might as well start that game collection now! Having plenty of 2-player board games ensures you always have enough people to play! You can choose classics like Guess Who or Battleship or explore more modern options.

Home Gym or Office Equipment

Nothing says romance like a new treadmill or a standing desk, but since it looks like things will be iffy for a while, you might as well add these to your wedding registry. This is especially true of office equipment, as many companies have decided to continue to have employees work from home indefinitely.

Share Your Registry

LoveStream makes it easy to share your wedding registry in the same place as your virtual wedding live stream, making it easy for guests to gift you with more than just their virtual presence.


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