How to Follow Up on Wedding RSVPs

Hardest part of wedding planning? Getting your guests to send in their RSVPs…

People lose the card, mix up the respond-by date as a mail-by date, respond, but check off the wrong box – the list goes on.  

Our Team LoveStream pros have come together with a plan for following up and receiving the answers that you need! Check it out below: 

1.     Patience is Key

We know, waiting feels like forever. Of course, your great Aunt Martha who’s been waiting for another wedding in your family will respond almost immediately after mailing, but others will take longer. Fret not, RSVPs will trickle in.  


2.     Decide How to Communicate

So your send-by date has come and gone, and you’re missing a few peoples’ responses. The best course of action is to determine the status of your relationship with them, then communicate in the manner that feels most appropriate to you. If one of your friends hasn’t sent theirs in, shoot them a text! Remind them that you’d love for them to be there and wanted to confirm their availability before sending in the final numbers to your venue and caterer. Let’s say someone who didn’t send a response is your parent’s friend. Have your parent reach out to confirm or call them yourself to! A phone call is more formal and makes sense for a relationship that isn’t as close. 


3.     Decide When to Communicate

Choosing the right time to follow up is important. Sending a message out a day after your send-by date is too early, and one the day before your final guest count is probably too late. Give it a few business days after your send-by date before you start reaching out. If they don’t respond after you reach out, give it a few more days before following up. If they don’t respond after that, we’d recommend you count them as not attending. With that being said, the chances that happen are slim to none. People might take time, but they will respond to you. 

Ultimately you will have a few people who don’t respond, but don’t let that phase you! There are simple ways to reach out and confirm that take minimal time & minimal effort. Stick to this guide and you’ll have all of your RSVPs in no time! 

Plus, any stragglers can receive an invite to watch your wedding live stream instead!

Photo Credit/Paper Goods Artist: Fanciful Ink


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