Ideas for Your Virtual Wedding Ceremony

When you are planning your virtual wedding, you have a lot of options for what to include and what not to include. We have a ton of amazing resources for what types of events to include and what a timeline for a virtual wedding might look like.


But there are even more things you can include for your virtual wedding ceremony. Some things just work better on camera than others, and some things will be unique to your virtual wedding ceremony. Read on for a couple of ideas!


A Bold Unity Ceremony

We recently covered types of unity ceremonies that can be included in your wedding. Specifically for a virtual event, you might want to choose a bold unity ceremony that is easy to see on-camera. This can include pouring paint on a canvas or planting a tree. Something that is a little easier for at-home guests to see compared to lighting a candle or pouring sand.


Shout Out to At-Home Guests

Don’t forget to recognize your guests who are joining from afar. Have your officiant make a special shout out to everyone joining from home. This is especially impactful if you have guests around the world or even just across the country and want to call out their locations by name.


A Fun Backdrop

Most couples get married in front of some sort of backdrop, whether it’s an arbor, an altar or an arch. Since your virtual guests won’t be able to see your entire wedding venue, consider putting a little extra thought into a backdrop that packs a punch. We even have a quiz to help you choose the right one!


A Slideshow

We always love when our couples include a slideshow in their virtual wedding. It’s a great way to get the party started, or to end the virtual portion of the ceremony. You can do a photo slideshow, a video slideshow of speeches and toasts or even create a fun quiz for your guests. As long as it’s in the right format, we can play it in your wedding live stream with our Plus and Premium packages.


At the end of the day, when thinking of ideas for your virtual wedding ceremony, always consider how it will look on camera and if it will be enjoyable for both your at-home and in-person guests. Need more ideas? Let us know!

Photo credit: Dani Nicole Photography


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