Trend Watch: Micro Weddings

A lot of new wedding trends have come to life this year, but our favorite might be the micro wedding.

What is a micro wedding?

A micro wedding is just what it sounds like: a smaller version of a traditional wedding. It still has all the flair of a big wedding, but with a smaller guest list. Typically, micro weddings are under 50 people. When creating a guest list for this small of a wedding, consider close family members and BFFs only. If you have room leftover, you can certainly add more people, but you might have to be thoughtful about who gets an invite.

Micro weddings are all the rage right now thanks to the pandemic and limitations on gatherings. But small weddings aren’t only happening because of COVID-19.

Small weddings have been on the rise recently as couples put more emphasis on quality and less on quantity. While this might instill some FOMO among people who don’t make the miniature guest list, it is often an opportunity for a couple to spoil their nearest and dearest. 

The Benefits of a Micro Wedding 

Splurge where it counts

Small weddings aren’t always cheaper than their larger counterparts. Having an intimate affair will allow you to splurge on those luxury items, like an extra fancy dinner or special goodie bags.

Or, save your money

On the other hand, micro weddings are a great opportunity to save some major cash. Whether you are trying to stick to a smaller budget, or you would rather put your hard-earned money elsewhere, this is a great opportunity to have a special event for less money.

More venue options

You might have found the perfect venue, only to learn the max capacity doesn’t align with your guest list. Almost every wedding venue will be able to accommodate 50 people. You might even be able to choose a non-traditional venue, such as a mountain retreat or historic building, thanks to your small guest list.

Give your guests special attention

Another fabulous benefit of micro weddings is the ability to spend time with each and every guest without feeling like you were on-duty at your own wedding! The smaller the guest list, the more quality interactions you can have.

There are no expectations

Okay, there are some expectations -- mainly that you’ll be married at the end of the ceremony.  But micro weddings give you the ability to skip any wedding traditions that just don’t feel like you. At a wedding with several dozen single girlfriends and tween cousins, you might feel obligated to do a bouquet toss. Or with all eyes on you and your boo, you might feel pressured to shove cake into each other’s faces. A micro wedding is much more relaxed in terms of traditions. Do the ones you love and skip the ones you don’t – and maybe even make some new ones of your own! 

You can still include everyone

While your in-person guest list might be exclusive, you can still include a larger circle of friends and extended family. By live streaming your wedding with us, an unlimited number of guests can watch your nuptials, send you well-wishes, and help you celebrate your special day. 

Learn more about live streaming your micro wedding with LoveStream.


Photo Credit: Rob + Kristen Photography


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